Meet Leib Menachem Mendel & Chava. Married less than a year ago and with 3 beautiful children from Chava's 1st marriage, Chaim Rafael Aharon, Chana and Zofja Sara
Chava is out of a job and the factory Leib Menachem Mendel worked at has been closed down.
The 3 children's boarding school has shut down forcing them to move back to their parents' one room studio apartment.
Conditions are extremely difficult. Kosher food is scarce, money is even more scarce, living space is tight and rent for such small quarters is still hard to come by.
Sirens are blaring on the daily and so far only their 16 year old son has managed to leave and make it to Israel.
With another baby on the way G-d willing and no ability to leave, we can help by sending them money for baby supplies, food, rent and all other basic needs.
It's hard for us to even imagine the difficult circumstances of these families.
Every dollar makes a difference.