March 1 , 2025

Join us for our weekly Shabbat children's program at Chabad of the Upper East Side!

Where your children can come and enjoy a meaningful Shabbat experience learning about the Torah portion of the week and upcoming Jewish holidays through games, crafts, stories and play and meet other Jewish friends.

Best for ages 2-10.

Parents are welcome to stay with your children or join services.

There will be a seperate room of activities for ages 0-5 & 6-12


10:30 am - 12 pm:

Children's program in the 3rd floor classrooms

12 pm - 1:00 pm

Family Kiddush on the 2nd floor


Looking forward to seeing you there!

Register Here
Sponsorships Available
Consider making a donation. Every dollar counts so we can continue to offer the community these beautiful programs for our children!
Programs like these are brought to the community by people like you! Consider sponsoring our Childrens Program.
Sponsorship Opportunity
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